Saturday, July 5, 2008

Jet Lag Kicks In

OK, the clock in our room says it’s 4:32 in the morning. I haven’t slept a wink. I tried reading for an hour but that didn’t help, so I crept quietly out of bed so as not to wake my roommate Brenda. As I fired up my laptop Brenda told me I might as well turn on the light because she wasn’t sleeping either. She declared that we should eat the chocolate left on our pillows…I know we’re going to be great friends. So here we sit in the middle of the night, in India, eating chocolate, Brenda is reading and I am writing my blog. It’s going to be a loooooooong day!


ledelaney said...

Don't be alarmed, but there is something on your HEAD!

bonitabeachbabe said...

we only get better with age
love the dot!