Wednesday, July 16, 2008

“A Bundle of Contradictions”

“Even though there is abject poverty there is also a thriving economy and a middle class so really, we cannot ignore either”. - Dr. Usha Reddi

We are continually in awe of the contrasts in India. Kolkata is a city that has seemingly reached its maximum capacity for human life. From early morning vendors set up their street markets, men cook on small charcoal fires right on the sidewalk, city cabs dart between motor scooters, bicycles, buses, cows, goat herds and endless throngs of people. Horns are constantly blowing, it is just expected. Beggars are everywhere. Young mothers holding babies ask for money, the crippled and blind hold out pans for coins, children in dirty clothing tug at your arm for your attention. The lowest of society learn to sustain themselves by the generosity of others and do not seek a better way of life. Men pull rickshaws for a few rupees; at the end of the day most of their wages go to the owner of the rickshaw, leaving the drivers with meager wages. They are considered the lowest of the poor.
Kolkata is extremely hot and humid. Dust and soot swirl through the air making it hard to breathe. Garbage, dogs, goats, cows and scavenger birds are everywhere. It is not uncommon to see men urinating in the street. In the middle of the day a thunderstorm violently explodes over the city sending people running for the limited places of shelter. The rains came down in torrents and quickly fill the streets. Later in the night as another storm came through I couldn’t help but wonder about those who are living on a small square of sidewalk space covered by only a thread-bare tarp. For some only the angels know them by name.

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